PHILLY — Really hit close to home, this one, especially with how dang nippy out it's getting; feeling of late like hibernation is just about all I'm up for. Otessa Moshfegh's My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018), her fourth book and second novel, is about a mid-twenties Manhattanite intent on blocking out the world by ingesting an increasingly harrowing cocktail of sedatives. Read it last week, mostly lying on my side, on my couch, on Benadryl, but also walking places, in the daytime, in the cold. In this episode, which I recorded at 7 a.m. while walking to the dentist, I get into why this character wants to block out the world and whether she's able to find her way back into the world. Also: my shifting affinities towards character-driven rather than auto-fictional writing. And: how being an alt bro doesn't change the fact that you're still, physiologically and temperamentally, a bro.
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MANTUA — Damn y'all, been rougher than some goddamn rough ass sandpaper, this past one. Still antibio-ed, roided, and limping after a long weekend in the pen, so synapses are firing on less than all cylinders. But this one finds its groove, considering: how this early Houellebecq stacks up against later, less optimistic iterations; how Houellebecq's emphasis on touch is interesting in the context of his typically mechanical view of intimacy; and how, even in today's secular world, we still adhere to mono- vs. polytheistic outlooks. Also: how research adds so much to a novel's depth. And: how crazy old Dutch dude Wim Hof's breathing techniques could well be the answer to keeping me out of the hospital.
LOS ANGELES — Sergio González Rodríguez (1950–2017) was a Mexican journalist and writer. A friend and colleague of Roberto Bolaño, he was the primary source of information on the femicides—the countless unsolved rape-murders of women, primarily factory workers—in Ciudad Juárez, for the late Chilean novelist's novel, 2666.
LOS ANGELES — Been a trip and a half reading Motherhood while posted with the mother this past month of holiday fam time / convalescence out here in LA. Has really propelled me into the nitty-grit of thangs.
In this episode, I go in with more gripes about Sheila's stance on procreation than I come out with. I consider her view on the importance or lack thereof of Art. I hash out her ideas on family extending beyond the nuclear. And I give her props on the deepest idea of all: that Failure can never be communicated, must always be private, and yet is the only way to Freedom.
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1storypod (May 2017–Present) with Sean Thor ConroeConversations between recommender and recommendee of a book or artwork; about why it was recommended. Archives
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