W. PHILLY — AXOLOTL, a "type beat" tape in three parts, charts the evolution of the young male axolotl, from larval to adult—though sexually immature—stages. Itscanals and Yamz would like to thank each of the producers: 1. greafer; 2. Kid Ocean; 3. CorMill; 4. Joseph L'Etranger; 5. 6-6-6; 6. DJ Khaled's Son x Caceci's Beats; 7. Caceci's Beats; 8. instupendo; 9. drip-133;10. sadface :(
W. PHILLY — Viva, 25, currently lives in Philly, raps as Yamz, and works at a compost company. He first read On Truth and Untruth this morning. I started reading it last fall, finished it this past winter. Friedrich Nietzsche (d. 1900), the son of Lutheran pastor, was born near Leipzig, Prussia (now Germany). He wrote the titular essays in On Truth and Untruth in 1872–1873, at the age of 28–29.
W. PHILLY — Leah, 25, is a writer and installation artist interested in, amongst other things,aqueducts. She read On Hashish over the past ten days. I began slowly ingesting On Hashish this past winter, following season of work in Northern Californian agriculture. I finished it ten days ago. Walter Benjamin (d. 1940) was born in 1882, in Berlin.
1storypod (May 2017–Present) with Sean Thor ConroeConversations between recommender and recommendee of a book or artwork; about why it was recommended. Archives
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